Your SU Job Opportunities

Please find below our current vacancies.

Please note that when applying to vacancies, only information included within your application form will be considered in shortlisting unless stated otherwise. If you send your CV to us separately, this will not be taken into consideration, so please ensure that you tell us everything you want us to know within your application!

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Available Roles

Closes 12:00pm 17/01/2025


External Trustee

External Trustee (to sit on Board of Trustees and the People & Culture Sub-committee) ​

Closes 12:00pm 17/01/2025


Chair of Trustees

Chair of Trustees (for main Board of Trustees, plus sub-committees). This role would begin in October to allow a handover period with the current Chair.

Closes 12:00pm 17/01/2025


Non-Executive (Company) Director

Non-Executive (Company) Director (to sit on the Commercial Services Board and Finance & Audit Sub-Committee) ​